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1. Welcome to Module 4
2. Video Introduction
3. Training Scenario for Module 4
4. Review of the Brief Intervention
5. BI and the Screening Process
6. Adolescent Screening Tools
7. Decisions and Next Steps
8. Stages of Change Model
9. Motivational Interviewing
10. Motivational Interviewing and the BI Process
11. First Set of MI Strategies
12. Second Set of MI Strategies
13. Different Communication Styles
14. Video: A Directive Approach with a Client
15. Avoiding Directive Communcation Builds Rapport
16. Conducting a BI
17. Four Basic Steps
18. Step 1: Raise the Subject
19. A Note on Confidentiality
20. Step 2: Provide Feedback
21. Step 3: Enhance Motivation
22. Decisional Balance and Personal Values Exploration
23. Example: Decisional Balance and Values Exploration
24. Using Information to Motivate Change
25. Readiness Ruler
26. Readiness Ruler in Action
27. Step 4: Negotiate a Plan
28. Illustration of Negotiating a Plan
29. Readiness to Change Will Vary
30. Review of the BI Steps
31. Intervention Fidelity
32. Let's See a BI in Practice
33. Observation Checklist
34. Explore Other BIs
35. Bringing Faith and Spirituality into the BI
36. Where Does Faith and Spirituality Fit Into the BI
37. Best Way to Bring Up Faith
38. Inspiring Change Talk
39. Step 1: Assessing Religious/Spiritual Helpfulness
40. Examples: Assessing Religious/Spiritual Helpfulness
41. Responding to Surprised Clients/Patients
42. Step 2: Assessing Religious/Spiritual Meaning
43. Cycling Through Different Stages
44. Considerations for Integrating Faith and Spirituality
45. Module 4 Summary
24. Readiness Ruler